Join Us

Interested in becoming a member?

Eligible for membership with the Association are businesses in Cyprus such as law, accounting and audit firms, corporate and administrative services companies, local and international business companies, as well as self-employed persons.

Membership is at €150 per calendar year or part thereof.

As a CYVA member you will enjoy the below benefits:

  • Access to VAT draft laws and circulars, as received by CYVA, on which you can offer comments;
  • Right to join CYVA projects and committees;
  • Highlight concerns, practical problems as well as offer suggestions on specific matters of Cyprus VAT laws;
  • Access to articles, newsletters and updates issued by CYVA;
  • Exclusive access to CYVA members-only seminars, workshops and conferences;
  • Receiving updates on CYVA’s activities.

Fill in the membership form or contact us at the following address, telephone number or email:

12 Egypt Street, 1097 Nicosia, Cyprus

Tel: +357 22 558888
Fax: +357 22 751474
E-Mail: [email protected]